Thank you for sharing this chapter!

I can completely relate to your comments around the importance of "curiosity" as I too feel that it is what has allowed me to grow and accelerate by HR career. I also agree that it is critical for those in HR roles. I would add that it has been my innate curiosity that has allowed me to build credibility with my business partners and develop relationships. I am genuinely curious about them, their teams and their functions. I learn to speak their language and, many times, when I talk to others about the organizations I've worked for they are often stunned to learn I am in HR or, like you've shared, they have never met an HR leader like me because of my ability to articulate what we do, what products we make, who we sell to, how we make money, etc.

While I often look for a diverse skillset/strengths from my own when hiring on my team, curiosity is one of two that I have want to be similar to me (the other being a positive outlook). I would be curious to know, pun intended, what are some of the ways you've looked to identify this in the hiring process for your own team or teams you've supported?

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Great post! As always, thanks for sharing

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